English 3, Post 1, 'Who am I?'

 Warm Salutations, Earthlings from the Faculty of Sciences

This is the very first post activity, and you will have to write about your own biography, that is to say, your autobiographyYou will be asked to do the following classwork that should include: 

 Who are you? 
Where are you from? 
Tell us a little about about yourself 
Tell us a little about your family and hometown (the place you were born and raised) 
Others (optional)... (pictures for example) 
Number of words120 (minimum) 
Make comments on three of your classmates' posts (optional) + a comment on your teacher post as well (compulsory)
I am leaving here my sample post for you to read, 
"Hello to you all,
 Since he was first born about 37 years ago in Santiago de Chile, René Larenas was a boy who studied at Oratorio Don Bosco, a school run by the Catholic Church in Santiago. Then, by the time of high school, he applied and entered a municipal institution, better known as “Liceo A-0” or “Instituto Nacional” where he spent his worst years until he graduated in 2004. 

At University, René studied English Pedagogy at UMCE where he graduated in 2010 both as a “Licenciado en Educación Mención Inglés” and a teacher of English as a foreign language (TEFL). Also, he took his teaching duties very seriously and entered University for a second undergraduate program at U de Chile called: 
Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas” where he graduated in 2016. Now, he is applying for a postgraduate program at U de Chile on English Linguistics. 

René lives on his own and visits his parents regularly for advice; he has two sisters, Valentina and Carla. Valentina studies at U de Chile and Carla at U de Concepción. 
Finally, Rene enjoys listening to music and cycling, two of his dearest hobbies in life. Well, not particularly now. 

Thanks for reading, 




  1. Thanks for share about your person, I think is important learn about the person behind the teacher. When we know more about our teacher we can understand the reasons why the teacher chooses certain methodologies.
    It's impressive how other language can help with global communication.
    I have a question, if you can learn other language, What other language would you like to learn?

  2. Interesting story about his academic and personal life.

  3. Hi Rene! It's so nice to learn more about you, I can see that you really like linguistics, as you often tell us in class. I also enjoy listening to music, Who is your favorite artist or what is your favorite genre? Thanks for sharing a piece of youself with us.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks to lets us know about you and share us a part of your life. And I see we share the same hobby, music. One question, do you know how to play any instrument? If you don’t know play any, what instrument would you like to play if you could?

  5. It's wonderful to learn about you and your journey through life. It's always inspiring to hear about individuals who are dedicated to education. Good luck René, and good luck with your postgraduate program in English Linguistics!

  6. Hi Rene! Thanks for sharing your personal experiences, I think that like a preservice teacher always is interesting to know about other teachers' lives. I would like to ask you, How did you know that you wanted to be an English teacher?
    Best of luck with your postgraduate program!

  7. Hi, thanks for sharing this with us. I appreciate that you trusted us to tell us this and it´s very useful to our class task.

  8. Hello Rene! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. I'm very sorry you spent your worst years at the "Instituto Nacional". I admire that you decided to study pedagogy in English, teaching a foreign language must be very complicated! Best of luck in your postgraduate program.

  9. Hi Rene, and it is super interesting all your journey to get to where you are, you even keep proposing more goals, you will achieve many things.

  10. Hello rene, I'm really sorry about your backstory at IN and I wish you good luck in your postgraduated program!

  11. Thank you for telling us about you. I feel sad about the "Instituto Nacional", all the people I know from the IN hallucinate that they studied in the "greatest" or hate it.

  12. Rene, thank you very much for sharing a bit of your story. I would also like to add that your commitment to learning and teaching English is evident.

  13. Hi René, it´s very interesting the path that you are crossing to learn about a foreign language. Do you think that the motivation and love to the English was something given by your teachers or is something that you were born with?

  14. Hi Rene, I had a similar experience to yours because I also went to a Catholic school!

  15. Hello Rene, the "worst days" you said when you were talking about your school days has me intrigued, why it was that way?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hello, thank for share it woth your students.Catch my attention that your sister Valentina have our age, I would like to know what are she studyng, she is form Juan Gómez Millas? It would be so funny that was our classmate.


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