
English 3, Post 5 [Final], Choice of two topics [#2]

  Dear Earthlings from Ciencias JGM! As the title so eloquently suggests, this time there is a choice that you will have to make, either  'a career-oriented website' , or  'an expert person in your field of study'.  Topic A:   Tell us about a career-oriented website you enjoy visiting.  Include this information: ·          Describe the website and provide the link. ·          How often do you visit it? ·          Explain why you like the site. ·          Who would you recommend it to? Upload pictures (optional) Topic B :  Tell us about an expert/person in your field that you admire .  Include this information: ·          Why do you admire this person? ·          What has this person done/contributed? ·  ...

English 3, Post 4, 'Choice of two topics' (choose one of the two)

 Hello Earthlings from FCQF,    This is the first time we get to choose one out of two topics. This time, you will have to decide [just write one] between the following:    Topic A :   Tell us about a meal or food you really like Include this information:  1. What is it? (Describe it) 2. How is it made? 3. Why do you like it so much? 4. How does it impact your health? 5. Upload pictures (optional) Topic B :  Tell us about a photo (or image)  that is meaningful to you Include this information:  1. What does it mean to you? 2. Why does it interest you? 3. What is the story behind the photo? 4. Upload the photo Make comments on 3 of your classmates' posts  ( optional ) + a comment on your teacher's post ( obligatory ) Word Count: 150 words (minimum) . As you may have guessed, i chose a photo that is not really meaningful to me, but to a whole generation (probably): This is the photo I chose that I really like. If you ask me I r...

English 3, Post 3, 'My favourite piece of technology'

 Warm salutations, Earthlings from Sciences! This time you are absolutely entitled to write about a piece of tech material you think is very important. Some of the parameters to follow may come below:  Say:    Why is this your favourite piece of technology?  How do you use it?/What do you do with it? How does it affect your life?  Would you recommend using it? -  140 words (minimum) -  don't forget to leave comments on  3 of your classmates' posts  and on  your teacher's post as well.   As usual, I leave my sample entry for you to take as a writing model -if you want to, of course- My favourite piece of technology is paper. No, I am not crazy, and I do not want to pull your leg. It is for real. Paper has almost always been there for us, I mean, ‘us’ as humanity. So, concerning my lifetime, I have been dealing with paper my whole life. Paper has multiple functionalities, so it would be a little difficult for me to name them all....

English 3, Post 2, 'Why did I choose my major (study program)?'

  Warm Salutations, Earthlings from Sciences In this week, you are expected to write about,   - your dream job when you were a child   - other career/study options that you had at the moment of applying to university   - what made you decide on this major?   - your experience at the university until now   - Upload some pictures (optional)    > word count:  130 words  (minimum)  >  don't forget to leave comments on  3 of your classmates' posts (optional ) and on  your teacher's post as well (compulsory).     As usual, I leave a sample post for you to make fun of or to take as a starting point for your own written work,   Since I was a  child,  I did not think about getting a job or dreaming –daydreaming, perhaps- about getting a job. I did not contemplate the idea of an ideal job because it simply did not exist in my childish world. I was really into video games, soccer, and cycling...

English 3, Post 1, 'Who am I?'

  Warm Salutations, Earthlings from the Faculty of Sciences This is the very first post activity, and you will have to write about your own biography,  that is to say, your autobiography .  You will be asked  to do the following  classwork  that should include:     -  Who are you?   -  Where are you from?   -  Tell us a little about about yourself   -  Tell us a little about your family and hometown   (the place you were born and raised)   -  Others (optional) ...  ( pictures   for   example )       >  Number   of   words :  120 ( minimum )   >  Make comments on three of your  classmates'  posts (optional) + a comment on your teacher post as well ( compulsory )     I am  leaving   here   my   sample  post  for   you   to   read ,       "Hello to you all,...